Friday, May 14, 2010

CPL2.0: Google Docs -- What a concept

Ok, this could not have come at a better time for me. Just last weekend my daughter was nagging me to buy Microsoft Office for our laptop so she could do her homework from there instead of the desktop. Then I come to work the next day and see our assignment. It's the answer to my bank account!! I don't have to buy anything at all. I tried out the "word" equivalent on Google Docs and it works like a charm. My child can certainly use this for typing assignments for school. And it's so easy to share these docs. I think it's the perfect thing for homework actually as you always have access to your work.
I don't know if it will ever replace the big name programs. I'm sure big corporations would want the best and the brightest. I do think however, that I have bought my last office application. It's all google docs all the time for me.
Thanks for the info!!!

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